Today’s National Honor Societies are far more than an honor roll. NHS and NJHS members and affiliated schools have access to an array of college admission and planning programs and resources; leadership development events and opportunities; and service-planning tools. In fact, you may be surprised to learn all that the National Honor Societies offer.

Your First Step

Spend five minutes browsing our website customized with content directed to our four primary web visitors: advisers, students, parents, and administrators.

Visit our mobile-friendly site for advisers at or, and be especially sure to check out the “Student & Parent Programs” section. Likewise, encourage your students to visit or to learn about their opportunities.

Throughout the year, we’ll notify you about programs and services to share with your members. We consider you our partner in promotion. So, consider this communication checklist to help you spread the word about an upcoming NHS and NJHS college admission and planning webinar.

Your Partner-in-Promotion Checklist

You should be able to accomplish the following action items in five minutes each:

  • Email. We’ll send you an email to notify you about an event. (By the way, add NHS or NJHS, Jonathan Mathis, and Honor Society News to your contact or address book so that our emails don’t mistakenly wind up in your junk mail folder.)

    When you get our email, send your members an email about the webinar. Sometimes we’ll write emails that you can simply forward to your members or provide one online that you can download and send.

    Group your members’ email addresses so you can communicate with them using a single address, such as “NHS Members.”

    Occasionally, we’ll make PDF fliers available to you. Share them by emailing them to your members or posting them in your regular meeting place.

  • Social media. Be sure you’re following NHS and NJHS on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Encourage your members to do so as well.

    If your chapter has a Facebook group or page or a Twitter feed, share or retweet our posts.

    Task a responsible member skilled in social media with crafting social media messages on your platforms. Instagram and Snapchat are now wildly popular with middle and high school students. If you are a particularly savvy social media user, consider these as well.

    (OK, so maybe the social media step requires a little more than five minutes.)

  • Web and Apps. Post a message on your chapter website or Blackboard site. These options can be rather passive, however.

    Apps such as Remind can push messaging to your students to prompt them to check the website or their email for a notice about an event or opportunity.

  • Meetings. Announce the webinar at your next chapter meeting.

    Distribute our flier or a handout with the time, date, and registration details.

You can apply these same five-minute exercises each time you share NHS and NJHS news with your members. Thanks for your help! —