
Students Gain National Voice Through Newly Elected Council

As the nation wrestles with critical issues from the future of education to democracy itself, student voices have been left out of the conversation—until now. NASSP recently held its first election for the newly created National Student Council. The ten students elected to the Council will advocate on behalf of millions of their peers on...

It’s Our Turn to Lead

Maurits Acosta at the LEAD Conference in November. Photo by Allyssa Hynes/NASSP. It was close to midnight on March 7th. I stood in the East Room of the White House as a delegate representing Florida to the 62nd annual U.S. Senate Youth Program. Just a few months earlier, I walked through the very same room...
Student Leadership

A School Full of Distinguished Student Leaders

Here at Lancaster Central High School in Lancaster, NY, more than 300 of our students have been recognized through the National Association of Student Councils’ Distinguished Student Leader Program over the years. As the school’s Student Union (what we call our student council) adviser and co-director of our Leadership Academy, I’m proud that we’re a...
Student Leadership

NHS Fundraiser Brings Out Diverse Talent 

Every January, William Mason High School in Mason, OH, hosts one of its biggest events of the year: the NHS talent show. It’s a fundraiser for community groups, and this year’s show raised almost $2,200 for the Lindner Center of HOPE’s treatment program for adolescents. (more…)
Student Leadership

California Student Wins Top National Honor Society Award

Chosen from nearly 17,000 applicants, the National Honor Society (NHS) named Ella Mayor, a senior at Santa Susana High School in Simi Valley, CA, the $25,000 National Honor Society Scholarship winner. NHS is supported by its parent organization, the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), which also administers the National Association of Student Councils. “This scholarship means more than...
Student Leadership

Election Advice From an NHS Adviser

At New Albany High School in Ohio, where I’ve served as the National Honor Society adviser for almost six years, I don’t worry that we won’t have enough candidates to fill the six officer positions in our chapter. As a high-performing school, we attract a lot of students who become NHS members, and the biggest...
Student Leadership

How I Helped Spread the Word as an NASSP Ambassador

Five months ago, I joined the NHS + NatStuCo Marketing Advisory Council. Why? To be a part of something bigger than myself. The Council is part of NASSP’s Ambassador program, which engages principals, advisers, and students to support NASSP’s mission of lifting school and student leader voices and empowering school leaders and students to lead...
School Leadership, Student Leadership

Thinking Inside the Box: Because Boxes Are Reality

Recalling the many times in my career that principals and peers challenged me to think outside the box, and then in turn me sharing the same advice with my student leaders, the idea of "thinking inside the box" seems counterintuitive. After all, we want our students to think about the possibilities when faced with hurdles...
School Leadership, Student Leadership

Gaining Perspective From the LEADership Community

Life is a cumulation of the moments we've had, with some moments more significant than others. As we accumulate experiences, our lives can transform from just one moment. My life-changing experience involves 500+ student leaders from 50+ states and U.S. territories, all in the heart of Washington, D.C. NASSP's LEAD Conference held earlier this month...
Student Leadership

A Season of Giving

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we spoke with Lynnette Hollis, an instructor in the Freshman Transition Academy at Delcastle High School in Wilmington, DE, about the school’s inspiring service project, the Soul to Sole Sock Drive. Hollis is also the adviser of the school club Leading Ladies Empowerment Group and the heart behind the service...
School Leadership, Student Leadership

Encourage Your NJHS Students to Apply for the Outstanding Achievement Award

Are your NJHS students living out the core pillars of the National Junior Honor Society: scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship? If so, it's time to recognize them for their hard work and dedication. The NJHS Outstanding Achievement Award (OAA) offers a remarkable opportunity for students to celebrate their accomplishments and further their educational aspirations,...
Student Leadership

Instructional Benefits May Be the #1 Reason to Implement AP Precalculus

Every year, thousands of students pay for college math courses that duplicate the math they mastered in their high school precalculus courses. That’s because they didn’t earn college credit for the college-level math that they learned. AP® Precalculus helps solve that problem by addressing some of the greatest challenges students face in achieving their bachelor’s...
Guest Blogs

Five Critical Skill Sets and Their Instructional Implications

From major societal and technological shifts to climate change, AI, and more, students today live in a rapidly transforming world.   In addition to metacognitive skills, I believe there are five key “learning to learn” skill sets that will increase school success and better prepare students for a lifetime of change.  (more…)
Guest Blogs