You work with your school’s most outstanding students—individuals who are very much in the spotlight and who bring much pride to the school. As you step back to let your members shine, it’s important to realize that—like your student members—you could use some support and encouragement as you strive for new heights with your leadership. Now, the National Honor Societies provide help for an additional star of the show—you, the chapter adviser.
Community Spirit
Have you ever wanted to connect with fellow chapter advisers to get a different perspective or exchange ideas?
This spring, you’ll gain access to a new adviser online community. The community will allow for collaboration in a constructive, moderated environment from the comfort of your home or office. Once the community is opened to all advisers, you will be able to reach out to peer Honor Society advisers to get advice, share success stories, or float an idea. You can access it after logging in to the Adviser Resource Center and scrolling to the pane titled “Collaborate with Peers.”
Chapter Management at your Fingertips
Speaking of the Adviser Resource Center, be sure you visit and to log in to the new online one-stop shop for chapter management tools. Visit the Adviser Resource Center to find plenty of guidance, plus downloadable and customizable sample letters, forms, and templates. If you’re short on time, we even offer a few video tutorials.
Here’s a peek into the various sections of the Adviser Resource Center:
New Chapters and New Advisers includes a booklet in PDF format to briefly acquaint you with the entire adviser experience. You’ll also find sample bylaws you can download and adapt to your own chapter. We also offer a welcome video you can use at an assembly, PTA meeting, or whenever you wish to garner greater awareness for your chapter. Even if you’re not a newbie, feel free to log in and refresh your knowledge.
Selecting Members offers a step-by-step guide to walk you through the selection process. You’ll also find lots of customizable letters and forms. To get a quick overview of the process, watch a video available through this section.
Inducting Members presents a colorful infographic as a visual guide to this exciting pinnacle of your chapter’s year. It is viewable online or can be downloaded to print. You can also access a ceremony script and induction pledges.
Project Planning links you to the National Student Project Database. It also provides a document to help you plan, report, and evaluate your projects.
Meeting Planning provides additional forms and advice, including a sample meeting agenda and a meeting records sheet.
Work with Students and Members includes officer and member profiles, a script for an officer installation ceremony, and more guidance to help your students get the most out of their membership.
Discipline and Dismissal takes you step by step through the process. Additional resources include a video and customizable letters.
We always welcome your feedback. Email us at [email protected] or [email protected] with your comments or questions.