Every 15 Minutes
The Spring Valley High School student council in Las Vegas, NV, hosted the nationally recognized Every 15 Minutes program—an educational experience that reminds everyone of the dangers associated with driving while impaired and texting while driving. The event lasted two days, and through a series of some very powerful visual aids, reenactments, and guest speakers—such as real-life victims of drunk driving—students received a compelling message that is sure to resonate. To learn more about the program, visit www.everyfifteenminutes.com/aboutus.
Fulfills Global Citizenship initiative strand: awareness/perspectives
Senior Citizen Prom
Spring has officially sprung, and you know what that means-prom season. The student council at Margaret Buerkle Middle School in St. Louis, MO, took it a step further and hosted a special prom just for senior citizens. The theme of the prom revolved around movies. Students dressed up as movie characters and brought in food to serve a potluck-style meal for 24 attendees. After the meal, student council members took turns dancing with the guests, a prom king and queen were crowned, and students assisted with cleanup. Council members note that the event is a great way to bring several generations together and connect with members of the community.
Fulfills Global Citizenship initiative strand: equity
Think College Thursdays
National Honor Society members of Wylie High School in Wylie, TX, hosted a Think College Thursday Night mini-conference, allowing participants to attend six 20-minute sessions in the following categories: graduating seniors, current juniors, underclassmen (sophomores and freshmen), and parents/guardians. It was a great way to educate students of all levels and parents about their higher education options!
National School Librarian Day
Did you know National School Librarian Day is April 4? The Ernest A. Becker Sr. Middle School student council in Las Vegas, NV, marked the occasion by presenting their school librarian, Ms. Fritzche, with a beautiful terrarium in keeping with the Chinese proverb, “A book is like a garden that is kept in the pocket.” Be sure to take the time to recognize your school librarian in a special way!
Kiss the Seniors Goodbye
The Marlow High School student council in Marlow, OK, sold “Kiss the Seniors Goodbye” candy grams during April and May as a fundraising event. Any student could buy a “kiss gram,” but only seniors could be the recipients. The grams consisted of a bag of Hershey Kisses along with a handwritten note to give the seniors a special send-off.
Day Without Hate
The student council at Jefferson Academy Secondary School in Broomfield, CO, led their annual Day Without Hate—an event that promotes nonviolence, unity, and respect in schools. In preparation for the event, the council made hundreds of posters to cover the school with messages of peace and sold T-shirts for $5 that featured the slogan “If everyone matters, no one is forgotten.” Students were welcomed to school in the morning with music playing and students cheering outside. There were also “passing period challenges” between classes, such as hug five people on your way to your next class, say something nice to three people you don’t know, and high five everyone you see. Day Without Hate is a simple way to remind students to be kind to one another and stand up for those who are bullied in our schools.
Fulfills Global Citizenship initiative strand: positive social change
Fill the Crib
The NHS chapter at Benjamin Russell High School in Alexander City, AL, worked with three other school organizations to collect diapers, bottles, wipes, jarred food, clothing, and toiletries for the local Sav-A-Life pregnancy resource center—an organization dedicated to offering free and confidential services to women, men, and families facing an unplanned pregnancy. By the end of the supply drive, a crib was filled to the brim with helpful items for those in need!
Fulfills Global Citizenship initiative strand: empathetic actions and wellness
Mayor for a Day
Each year, the student council at Thibodaux High School in Thibodaux, LA, participates in the Mayor for a Day program, in which students in good standing can campaign to serve in office for a day, shadowing officials such as the mayor, coroner, sheriff, fire chief, school board superintendent, and judges. Winners dress in business attire, get sworn in, attend a luncheon, and are given a key to the city. This program offers students the chance to see what goes into running their city and learn about the main organizations within each department.
Fulfills Global Citizenship initiative strand: civic engagement