Holiday Playlist
Are you tired of that mundane holiday radio station yet? Take the time to create a holiday playlist for 10 minutes of yuletiding and unwinding. Pull together those hit songs that make you smile, whether from silliness or fond holiday memories, and add them to a list that you can plug in when you need a break or a pick-me-up. Whether you need calming chords to keep you stable or rocking reindeer to kick you into shape, a holiday playlist will put some spring in your step.
Prune a Plant
While the outdoors this time of year may present a picture of brown foliage (or dirty snow) and gray skies, focus your efforts inward on that green indoor plant living in your classroom. Spend some time pampering and pruning old faithful while you let your mind wander to greener and warmer places. Making the effort to shape another growing object can help you focus on how you can shape up yourself.
De-Stress with Acupressure
Grab a hold of your sanity by grabbing a hold of the meaty bit of skin between your index finger and thumb, or as traditional Chinese medicine might refer to it, the hoku point. Continuously applying pressure to this location in particular is said to reduce stress and tension in the upper body. The practice of acupressure allows you to tap into easily accessible points located on your head, hands, wrists, feet, and ankles that can produce calming effects when held tightly for short periods of time. To learn more, visit
Viral Video for 10
Making your brain run on all cylinders continuously isn’t always the best idea. Sometimes when you need to cool off, mindless entertainment is the best reset button your overwhelmed brain could ask for. So, take 10 minutes and scour the internet for indulgent viral videos, or visit a place like Some of these videos showcase the best of humankind, while others are simply silly. Choose from categories like animals, commercials, sports, or topics that are “cute, “funny,” or “spoofs.” Just steer clear of anything requiring complex reasoning to give your brain a break.