The Mental Health Crisis in the Digital Age
My guess is, if you’re a student reading this post, you’re on your phone. Nevertheless, however you found your way here, welcome. (more…)
Mental Health/Wellness, Student Leadership
This Pride Month Holding Space for Us All
Walking the dirt street to reach my house, I hear a homophobic slur emanate from the car driving past me. A meek 12-year-old, I rush on in fear—fear of what they would do if they knew how right they were. “How do they know?” I ask myself. “Am I too masculine? Too feminine?” My identity...
LGBTQ+, Mental Health/Wellness, Student Leadership
Reflecting on Our Progress During Mental Health Awareness Month
My voice matters. Seeking change is welcomed. I am supported. These three sentences best reflect my experience with NASC, NHS, and my role as a facilitator with NASSP’s Student Leadership Network on Mental Health and Well-Being. (more…)
Mental Health/Wellness, Student Leadership
Why I’m Part of the Student Leadership Network on Mental Health
Throughout my time in high school, I have learned that mental health is not a goal, object, or buzzword but rather an active practice. Taking care of your mental well-being requires self-awareness, patience, and reflection. It may sound daunting, but there are plenty of tools that can help. (more…)
Mental Health/Wellness, Student Leadership
Elevating the Importance of Teen Mental Health
Today is World Teen Mental Wellness Day. In honor of it, I want to share how school budget cuts inadvertently led me to take a closer look at the importance of mental health. And for that, I am eternally grateful. (more…)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Mental Health/Wellness, Student Leadership
Embracing the Values of NHS by Sharing My Story
When I was five years old, I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). It is the most common type of childhood cancer and curable in 90% of children with standard treatments; however, that was not the case for me. My childhood was halted by my diagnosis and transformed into a whirlwind of appointments, blood...
Mental Health/Wellness, Student Leadership
Listening and Learning Tour Features Stops Out West
As the end of the school year approaches, NASSP President Gregg Wieczorek is winding down Leading Forward: The Listening and Learning Tour. The latest tour stops, highlighted below, come from California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah. (more…)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Education Policy, Education Technology and Innovation, Funding, Guest Blogs, Internet Safety, LGBTQ+, Mental Health/Wellness, Principal Pipeline: Recruitment and Retention, School Leadership, School Safety, Student Leadership