Category:  Uncategorized

Students Gain National Voice Through Newly Elected Council

As the nation wrestles with critical issues from the future of education to democracy itself, student voices have been left out of the conversation—until now. NASSP recently held its first election for the newly created National Student Council. The ten students elected to the Council will advocate on behalf of millions of their peers on...

Morning Announcements: Spring 2021

Make History at the National Student Council Conference The 2021 National Student Council Conference will bring together student councils from around the nation to sharpen their leadership skills and build their peer networks. Students and advisers will celebrate the theme “Student Leaders Making History” on June 22–25, 2021, and will take part in a four-day...

Collaboration Space: Winter 2021

Providing Necessities for Those in Need Green Level High School NatStuCo members in Cary, NC, created hygiene kits including hand sanitizer, face masks, shampoo, gloves, and soap to aid those experiencing homelessness amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The chapter partnered with local organizations to boost awareness and help fund the cost of supplies while also promoting...

Morning Announcements: April/May 2018

Making Dreams Come True How are you celebrating National Student Leadership Week (NSLW)? It's April 15–21, and it's every school's chance to honor the important role of student leaders in boosting the climate and culture of their schools and communities. This year's theme is "Make Your Mark on the World: Dream. Lead. Serve." Have you...
Advise, Advise: Volume 46 (2017-2018), Uncategorized

Take Ten: April/May 2018

A Creative Challenge Challenge yourself by finding out what you can write in 10 minutes or less by trying one of the 21 writing prompts at A writing teacher at the San Francisco Writers' Grotto created each prompt, including "Write a eulogy for a sandwich, to be delivered while eating it," and, "Write the...
Advise, Advise: Volume 46 (2017-2018), Uncategorized

Learn From the Best

Chad Rizner was still on stage after winning the 2017 Warren E. Shull National High School Adviser of the Year Award when his phone started buzzing with a swarm of congratulatory messages. This award, he told Advise, is "more of a recognition for our school and the hard work our kids do, because I don't...
Advise, Advise: Volume 46 (2017-2018), Uncategorized

From the Directors: April/May 2018

Happy spring! As you read this column, you will note a new name among the authors of this letter. Please welcome our new director of the National Honor Societies, Ms. Nara Lee, who joined the NASSP national office in January.  Her career includes work with District of Columbia Public Schools and the Jack Kent Cooke...
Advise, Advise: Volume 46 (2017-2018), Uncategorized

Put This Into Practice: April/May 2018

Students are inundated with the perfection depicted on social media. As a result, I see more and more that my students feel inferior to their peers and have a hard time dealing with their feelings when others achieve or receive more than they do. As students are applying to jobs and colleges, making athletics teams,...
Advise, Advise: Volume 46 (2017-2018), Uncategorized