Right Here, Right Now
That’s the theme for this year’s National Student Leadership Week (NSLW), April 17–23, and we can’t wait to see how your chapter members will respond. From random acts of kindness to projects that can have an immediate impact, we look forward to seeing the inspiring interpretations of this theme on social media. Remember to post your chapter’s activity on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using #NSLW16. Visit www.nhs.us/nslw or www.njhs.us/nslw for activity ideas and a variety of resources to support your efforts.
Promote Your Chapter
Spread the news about the accomplishments of your chapter from NSLW or any time of year, as well as your annual induction ceremony. Visit “Promoting Your Chapter” in the Adviser Resource Center to get insight on publicizing chapter activities, leveraging social media, and contributing to our publications.
Next College Admission Planning Webinar
There comes a time in most students’ lives when they have a number of college acceptance letters in hand and then ask themselves: Which college should I choose? Recommend all your members (and their parents) tune in for the final NHS and NJHS college admission planning webinar for this academic year. On Wednesday, March 23, “The ‘Right’ College Fit” will air from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. to help participants answer that question. Registration is now open on the NHS and NJHS websites, and members will need your school’s affiliation number to register (email [email protected] if you need the number). A Twitter Town Hall will also take place on this topic from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. (ET). Use #Prep4College for quick answers to your questions.
If you or your members missed our previous webinars, “Applying to College: Expertise from College Admission Officials” and “Understanding Financial Aid,” archives are available in the “College Admission & Planning” section of the NHS and NJHS websites.
NHS Virtual College Fair Coming Soon
This May, your NHS members will be able to research college options in a new, more cost and time efficient way. The first-ever NHS Virtual College Fair, featuring online “booths” staffed by representatives from public and private colleges and universities, will take place on Tuesday, May 17, from 2:00 to 10:00 p.m. (ET). You will receive an email with more details. In the meantime, encourage your members to save the date!
New Mexico to be Site of First State Summit
Registration is now open for the first NHS and NJHS State Summit in the nation. It will take place on Thursday, April 28 at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. It is a one-day, free event, exclusively for NHS and NJHS members. This State Summit is intended for members in New Mexico and surrounding states; however, State Summits will be offered in additional locations in 2016-17. More information and registration for the New Mexico State Summit can be found at www.nhs.us/statesummits and www.njhs.us/statesummits. The registration deadline is April 15.
Continue to Celebrate Your Highest Achievers
Thank you for supporting your school’s brightest stars through your affiliation with NHS and NJHS. Later this month, your principal will receive a letter with an invoice for the 2016–17 membership year. Encourage your principal to renew by June 30 to ensure that you receive the full benefits of your affiliation and get seamless communication about programs and services exclusively for NHS and NJHS members as the new school year begins. When renewing, please also check that the school address, adviser name, and email information on the renewal invoice are accurate.
A Special Time to Thank Your Assistant Principal
Be sure to recognize the contributions your assistant principal makes to the success of your school and student body. The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), parent organization of NHS and NJHS, has declared April 11–15 Assistant Principals Week. Visit www.nassp.org/apweek for activity ideas.
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarship for 7th Grade Students
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is now accepting applications for its Young Scholars Program, a unique 5-year precollege scholarship opportunity for high-achieving middle school students with financial need. Young Scholars receive high school and college counseling, funding for summer and extracurricular academic programs, access to internships and study abroad opportunities, and other educational resources including books and technology. Scholars are also provided a pathway to receive the foundation’s $40,000-per-year college scholarship, one of the largest scholarships in the nation. To learn more, including eligibility requirements, and to recommend a student for the program, click here. The deadline to apply is April 14.
NHS Beach Cleanup
The NHS chapter at American International School in Chennai, India, organized a beach cleanup and involved the entire school community. Litter is common on the beach there, including glass, which poses a danger to beachgoers. Despite the harsh heat, a group of about 12 students volunteered for this event. To promote ongoing cleanliness by beachgoers, chapter members posted signs to encourage waste disposal in trashcans. Log in to the National Student Project Database to learn more and see pictures of their work.
Be sure to add your projects to the National Student Project Database, especially your National Student Leadership Week activities. Submit details—and any photos, if you have them—through the NHS or NJHS websites. Help us continue to grow this valuable resource.
The NHS chapter at Three Rivers High School in Three Rivers, MI, is giving new purpose to plastic grocery bags, creating plarn (plastic yarn) and crocheting it into sleeping mats to distribute to the homeless. The goal is to create 880 mats. Media coverage of their “Miles of Mats” project has included local Fox and CBS TV stations, radio stations, The Huffington Post, Facebook groups, and Closer magazine. Because of this coverage, they’ve received donations nationwide, and from Guam and Canada. In addition to bag donations, the chapter takes $200 pledges for each mat. Check out their school’s NHS chapter to follow the project.

The 130 members of the Preble High School NHS chapter in Green Bay, WI, were recently recognized by the Brown County Salvation Army for raising $4,971.15 through the Red Kettle Bell Ringing project. The traveling Gold Kettle will be on display at the school for a year. The 10 high schools involved with the competition are all located in the local Green Bay area.

Does your school have a story to share for Chapters Doing Great Things? Tell us! Include project dates and email [email protected], subject line: CDGT. We encourage you to enter your projects into the National Student Project Database, too.
Member Discipline and Dismissal
Each year around this time, complaints to the national office about improper dismissals and/or lack of due process increase. Please review the procedures for handling member discipline and dismissal in Article X of the NHS and NJHS Constitutions, as well as in the “Discipline and Dismissal” section of the NHS and NJHS Adviser Resource Center, which includes sample letters. Your chapter bylaws should include these policies and be available to members. As a rule, all members are entitled to due process, including a hearing with the chapter’s faculty council prior to any dismissal decision. Questions can be sent to [email protected].
How to Reach Us
March and April are the busiest times of the year at the national office. To assist you in reaching the correct department for your inquiries, please note this contact information:
- Sales (Honor Society products such as stoles, certificates, etc.): 866-647-7253, [email protected] or [email protected]
- Membership (adviser changes, renewal payments, all account changes or issues): 703-860-0200, option 4, [email protected] or [email protected]
- Honor Society Programs and Policies (chapter management and student membership issues, programs such as the NHS Scholarship, Outstanding Service Projects, and NJHS Outstanding Achievement Awards): 703-860-0200, option 5, [email protected] or [email protected]
Is there something you’d like us to include in next month’s Honor Society News? Email your ideas or suggestions to [email protected].
In the latest Advise:
Struggling with effective meeting planning? The February/March issue includes “Let’s Meet” in the “Put This Into Practice” column. It outlines the approach one NHS adviser takes to make meetings both timely and purposeful. Also, don’t forget to use the center spread pullout as a poster to promote National Student Leadership Week to your students.
Time to Save is Running Out
Order your spring induction items or merchandise for graduating members by March 31 online and save 15%. Visit the NHS or NJHS online store and use promo code 16IND on as many orders as you like. Offer valid online only.

Be sure to follow NHS and NJHS on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for motivating quotes like this each week.