News and Announcements
Adviser Online Community Open All Summer Long
This summer, visit the NHS/NJHS Adviser Online Community (AOC) to connect with advisers from around the globe and prepare for the fall. To encourage your participation, we are offering four $100 gift cards this month. To become eligible:
- participate in five different discussions, either by starting a new topic or replying to a posted discussion
- share one resource with your peers via the “Resources” page
Complete these tasks by June 30 for a chance to win. Email [email protected] if you have questions about the AOC. Log in to the community here.
Reminder: Take the Annual Adviser Survey
The 2017 NHS/NJHS annual adviser survey response period closes June 30. The survey allows us to collect data about the service activities of chapters. The impressive numbers shared through this survey provide valuable leverage in cultivating relationships that will be beneficial toward improving the NHS/NJHS experience for your school. To thank you for your participation, we’re offering $25 Visa gift cards to eight lucky respondents. Fill out the survey for your chance to win.
Take the NHS survey here >>
Take the NJHS survey here >>
2017 Outstanding Service Project Award Winners Announced
Chapters receiving the 2017 NHS and NJHS Outstanding Service Project (OSP) Award are now listed on the NHS and NJHS websites. For this year’s competition, chapter applicants were asked to submit projects that supported the ideals of global citizenship in support of the NASSP student leadership initiative. Thank you to all of the schools that submitted applications. Congratulations to the NHS and NJHS chapters recognized as this year’s OSP recipients!
Outstanding Service Project Timeline Reminder
If your chapter would like to be recognized for an Outstanding Service Project (OSP) Award, be sure to note the new timeline for the application process. Beginning with the coming academic year, the deadline for OSP applications will be on November 1 each year. Projects must have been started and completed between August 1 and June 30 of the previous academic year. The application will be available on the NHS and NJHS websites and can be submitted any time between July 1 and November 1 each year. That means for this coming year, any project you submit must have been completed by this June 30. As of July 1 of this year, you can begin the application process for next year’s award. Schools selected to receive this recognition will be notified in February each year.
Keep Your Affiliation Current: Renew!
To ensure uninterrupted communication about NHS and NJHS programs and services for the 2017–18 academic year, renew your affiliation now if you haven’t done so already. To make sure your renewal is processed quickly, your chapter’s primary adviser can renew online now.
NHS online renewal >>
NJHS online renewal >>
Honor Society Tips and Tools
Planning Ahead
Take some time to plan for next year:
- Navigate the Adviser Resource Center for a variety of chapter management tools and customizable documents, especially related to selection and induction of members.
Enter the NHS Adviser Resource Center here >>
Enter the NJHS Adviser Resource Center here >> - Review your chapter’s bylaws (or draft bylaws if you’re unable to locate them). For guidance, download the sample bylaws document in the Adviser Resource Center.
- Review the NHS or NJHS Constitution to ensure that your chapter’s policies are in compliance with the national policies. See the NHS and NJHS website for links to the Constitution.
- Is a description of your selection process published for parents and students? If not, please be sure your chapter is complying with this national requirement by the start of the school year. Email [email protected] or [email protected], subject: Selection Process, for guidance.
- Update your chapter roster.
- If you ever have questions, email [email protected] or [email protected].
Have a relaxing summer and we’ll be back in touch in August!
National Student Project Database
There are more than 6,000 project ideas available at your fingertips! Log in now to the National Student Project Database on the NHS and NJHS websites for ideas from other schools and to submit your own successful projects!
Reminder: Please enter only projects that have been completed by your chapter, not proposed project ideas. Include project dates and photos (if you have them) along with your project description.
Is there something you’d like us to include in the next Honor Society News? Email your ideas or suggestions to [email protected].
Important Dates
NHS Scholarship recipients posted online
30 Deadline to renew your chapter affiliation
30 Deadline to complete the annual adviser survey
NHS survey >>
NJHS survey >>
1 Outstanding Service Project applications open
Summer Savings
Take stock this summer and save! Think ahead to your chapter’s needs—induction ceremony supplies, chapter management aids, T-shirts. Then order online using promo code BREAK17 between June 15 and August 15 to save 15 percent.
Shop the NHS Store now >>
Shop the NJHS Store now >>
In the latest Advise:
The June issue of Advise shares fresh ideas for cultivating relationships with community and philanthropic organizations for synergistic opportunities. Read it, then take time this summer to consider: What’s just around the corner that can benefit your chapter or school?
Summer is a great time to write for Advise. Check out the story ideas on our editorial calendar or share an idea of your own. Email [email protected].
Stay Connected!
Follow us on social media for the latest NHS and NJHS news.
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